AUTHOR’S NOTE: This article is based on the breakout room talk I gave at the EU 2017 Conference in Phoenix. It is a summary of my previous EU work, and there is some overlap with earlier EU articles here.

electric sky

Like many interested in the electric universe theory, I am not a scientist. Yet, like many, the Electric Universe speaks to me and appeals to me. In this article I raise three points that may be interesting to non-scientists, such as myself, with respect to the electric universe theory. First: That cosmology is the biggest and most definitive paradigm there is. Secondly: As a meta-paradigm, cosmology influences other subsidiary paradigms, even if indirectly. Finally: Given the first two points, if and when cosmology changes, then other paradigms will also necessarily change.

Cosmology is the Mother of all Science and Philosophy

Starting with the first point, think for a moment about what a significant and defining paradigm cosmology is. Historically speaking, cosmology can be seen as the mother of all science and philosophy. Cosmology tells the “big story” of our universe and deals with the big questions. Fundamentally, cosmology tells the story of what is.

What is this thing we call the universe? What is the structure of the universe? What is its driving force? How and why did it develop the way it has? Also, is it isolated or is it connected, is it finite or is it infinite, does it have an origin, does it have an end..?

These questions are as much philosophical as they are scientific, and therefore have impact far beyond the sciences. To put it simply, just thinking about the universe will eventually lead to contemplating everything within it.

Cosmology Impacts Other Paradigms

This leads me to my second point. Given that cosmology deals with the big questions and addresses the big picture “out there,” it necessarily impacts all subsidiary paradigms, and in turn influences our understanding of our man made world, here on earth. An example that demonstrates how meta-paradigms such as cosmology may affect other paradigms is that of Galileo. Galileo was threatened with ex-communication in the 17th century for positing a different cosmology based on the revolutionary ideas of Copernicus (i.e., that the sun is the center of the universe, not earth).

Galileo’s innovations affected many other subsidiary paradigms, and ultimately brought us away from religion, into the world of science and the Enlightenment. This suggests that a change in our cosmological paradigm has the potential to transform and affect the broader culture and society. To understand how, let us look at some of the ways that contemporary cosmology has impacted certain areas of knowledge, and how this may change with the shift to electric cosmology.

EU Cosmology is Shifting Our Understanding on Many Levels

Human Nature

This introduces the third point, and main focus of the article. For starters, EU cosmology is changing our understanding of history. And this may in turn impact accepted views on religion and human nature. For centuries, phenomena occurring in the heavens have influenced meta-paradigms such as religion, as well as our understanding, or misunderstanding, of our nature as human beings.

For instance, monotheistic religions have a view of humanity as “fallen” and deserving of heavenly wrath (so too do many older religions). But where do these notions come from? Mainstream science tells us that they grew out of myths and fantastical stories from the past. But mainstream science does not allow for the possibility that these mythologies could be based on real events that were misinterpreted.

According to the electric universe theory, ancient mythologies are based on real life cataclysms and actual plasma formations seen in the ancient sky. These cataclysms happened when heavenly bodies in space affected our earth, long ago. This could help to explain where religion derived its interpretation of humanity as “fallen.” To paraphrase David Talbott: When our ancestors looked to the sky and were affected on earth by events happening in the heavens, entire mythologies, religions, and existential narratives were born.

When catastrophe rained down on them from above, ancient humans may have interpreted this as the “wrath of the gods.” This is hugely significant, not least because the view of humanity as fallen, flawed, and deserving of punishment persists to this very day. A change in perception, ushered in by the adoption of the EU’s take on ancient myths as a recording of real events, could shift our view of humanity and human nature. Rather than flawed and fallen, we may come to understand humanity as merely being victims of cosmologically induced traumas, and therefore, in need of collective healing through a form of historical re-examination.

This suggests that properly understanding the past could help us navigate the future. In the EU future, when people think about cosmology they may reflect on how it can actually affect our physical world, even potentially destroying it in an instant (figuratively speaking), as it did with the ancients. This may give us a sense of urgency and, therefore, greater reverence for our existence and the forces of the universe. This may also foster within us a need to cooperate and collaborate with our fellow humans, rather than spend our lives fighting it out and waging wars on this fragile planet.

Moreover, our religious paradigms may experience a change (given our new understanding of the past). Rather than fixating on our “fallen” or flawed nature and “saving us” from ourselves, religious ideology may shift towards a focus on the more neutral or even positive aspects of humanity. And this could have a major ripple effect. For history has clearly shown that when there are fundamental shifts in religious doctrine, the course of humanity is forced to change (for better or worse).

The Structure of the Universe

Another way EU cosmology may impact our future is by changing our view of the nature and structure of the universe, as well our connection to it. The EU presents a universe that is not as “bizarre” and inexplicable as mainstream astrophysics and gravity-based cosmology would have us believe. While I do not have a background in science, mainstream cosmology—based on the Big Bang, gravity, and Einsteinian relativity, etc—always seemed disjointed and inaccessible to me in some way. This cosmology does not seem to provide a very reasonable explanation of the universe, and, indeed, many of its suppositions remain shrouded in mystery and fiction to this day. Concepts such as the big bang, black holes, wormholes, dark matter, etc., all seem to generate more questions than answers.

Now, mainstream scientists might tell us that we cannot understand these concepts because, unlike Einstein, we and are not “geniuses.” But the reality is that these theories are un-testable and, not to mention, they are often posited ad hoc to fill holes in preceding theories. Of course, entire careers and fortunes have been built on these flawed theories, so one can see why mainstream cosmology is reluctant to let go of them

As an alternative and interdisciplinary cosmology that is not based on un-testable hypotheses, the electric cosmology of the EU seems far more plausible. Even to a non-scientist, such as myself, it’s rather apparent that the EU offers a far more accessible, comprehensive and comprehensible explanation of the universe and its nature.

The EU breaks from mainstream cosmology in several important ways. I’ll mention three:

  • First, it sees electricity as giving shape and substance to the universe via electrically charged plasma.
  • Second, it sees electricity as driving the universe by way of electric currents carried through this all-pervasive plasma
  • Thirdly, it perceives the universe as an inter-connected system–For the EU everything in the universe is connected through these electric currents.

This view of the cosmos is arguably more rational and far less mysterious and contradictory. In the EU paradigm there is no need for black holes, dark matter, dark energy, etc. Phenomena that are inexplicable in contemporary cosmology are more readily explainable using electric cosmology. Most importantly, the EU’s theories are testable. Space age technology is making it possible to measure and demonstrate the electricity in space.

Cosmic Connectivity

But for me, as a non-scientist, it is the notion of an integral connectivity—or dynamic cosmic connectivity—that makes the EU especially compelling and thought provoking. The idea of a force billions of times stronger than gravity, that permeates all things—from the most minute to the most massive or galactic—and connects all things within a dynamically structured system, is one that should peak our interest, not least because it hints at a far more cohesive and organized universe than we are presently led to believe exists.

This has both practical and philosophical implications. Philosophically, the electric universe’s notion of “cosmic connectivity” opens the door for a deeper and perhaps sublime understanding of ourselves as electric beings connected to all other things in the world and universe. Rather than existing as random isolated instances within a larger, disconnected universe, electric cosmology is suggesting that we may share a similar and scalable structure with, and within, a highly organized universe and all of its parts. This begins to paint a picture about our nature as living beings.

From a practical or less philosophical standpoint, if the notion of a connected universe spreads and becomes more popular and mainstream, it could impact how we understand and approach other systemic structures; such as our understanding of societal structures, health and healing, education, and even politics. As the ancient wisdom holds: “as above, so below.”

For instance, while Einstein and mainstream cosmology are not responsible for the alienation of modern-day societies, there is no denying that mainstream cosmology alienates us from ourselves and other things in the universe by presenting a very random and isolated cosmos. On a very subconscious level, this alienated cosmology may contribute to a greater general sense of alienation, that lends itself to the isolated and disjointed social model we presently have. So, if our cosmology changes and there is popular awareness and acceptance of the notion of a web of energy connecting the universe (and all things within it), this could change our conception, and practice, of social structures as similarly connected.

This point is conjecture and will be more fully developed later on (in a future article). I will not go into further detail about it here. The point I’m trying to drive home today is that cosmology impacts how we see other things and other structures as well.


In closing, I’d like to stress the following: If and when cosmology or the “big story” changes—and it is currently changing as a result of the adoption of the EU and its testable hypotheses—then everything else, including the way we think about our world and ourselves, will also be made to change.

Just as Galileo’s controversial cosmology (borne of the Copernican Revolution) had ripple effects that revolutionized all of science, religion and philosophy, the EU’s electric cosmology—which unseats gravity as the principle driving force in the universe and reinterprets ancient mythologies as reflecting real events in our solar system—may also one day ignite a meta-paradigm shift of massive proportions.

A shift of this magnitude will have impact far beyond the sciences, and will influence knowledge and thinking in other areas–such as sociology, religion, history, law and justice, popular culture, the arts, story telling, esoteric knowledge and much more.

Now, we may be long gone before the full effects of this shift are realized, for the shift is just beginning. But we are here now, at its inception, and we can all be part of the spark.

Because future science is more than “just science.” It encompasses many fields and it will be told and disseminated by people from all walks of life; from electrical engineers and astrophysicists…to poets, artists and filmmakers.